Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Motivation and Inspiration

Today was one of those days that I woke up thinking about my future and what few things I would like to accomplish with the year. No, not a new year's resolution, but just thinking proactive about the year and my dreams. My mom always said, "if you are going to dream, dream BIG!"

Of course with today being a big day to celebrate and all, I found my mailbox full of great inspiration in the form of funny birthday cards and great little article clips. I thought this would be a great place to post those motivational pieces as they might help motivate someone else or will serve as a place for me to go back and refresh my memory.

“Growth is exciting; growth is dynamic and alarming. Growth of the soul, growth of the mind.” – Vita Sackville-West

“A lot of people will try to talk you out of pursuing your dream. The world has too many people who are happy to discuss why something might not work, and too few who will cheer you on and say, ‘I’m there for you.’ The more time you spend navel-gazing, the longer you give those negative gravitational forces to keep you in their tether…. If there is something out there that you want to do…don’t focus on the obstacles. Don’t ask for permission. Just dive in.”
- John Wood

“Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.” Yehuda Amichai

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