Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What would make my day smoother?

I awoke this morning in a great mood after a good night's sleep and pleasant dreams. However as the day went on I was feeling more drained from my job. The amount of work will take longer than the time I can clock in for the week. I cannot work overtime, so I guess I need to only put in the hours that for the week and anything extra will have to wait.

While that will be great, I also think that I need to do something to get myself in a better mood to handle the stresses related to my job. What can I do to start my morning off on a better foot? I have not had the time to organize my to do list for the following day. Perhaps I need to get into work a little earlier to help me get a few things organized before the barrage of other to do's pop up.

Something to think about while I work on my homework.

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