Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday - thanks for a great start to my week

Unfortunately this post will be brief (I need to get to work), but I just had to get this out there and off my chest so I can focus on my work. Long story short - my coworker asked me if I was proud that he worked 4hrs on Saturday. 'would you like me to be proud?' I asked as I had to idea where this was going and I was not in the mood for idle chit chat this Monday morning. Someone else asked if working on Saturdays was the new standard. My coworker's response, "No, because '2lively' would go postal on us."

What am I supposed to say to that?!?

Yes, I have been working a lot at my job and perhaps I have not been the happiest person there, but still. Perhaps I should lighten up the amount of work I get done so I can sit around and socialize with my coworkers. Ugh! I guess I am loosing the game of politics in the office. Plus to say something after we already discussed the news of 1 person shot and killed (all that had filtered out to the media on Monday Morning) in Virginia.

Not sure I feel better, but at least it is off my chest.

Here's to hoping that Tuesday is a much better day!

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

sounds like a hostile, or at least immature work environment! I hope things have been going better!
Tons of love! xoxoxo