Tuesday, January 03, 2012

2012 - Hello New Year!

The new year is upon us and perhaps this will be the year that I break out and do some fun things, accomplish the Resolution List, and enjoy every fun moment that heads my way. Perhaps I will even blog more.

I just love the hopeful possibilities that arrive this time of year. I can only hope to hang on tight to these optimistic feelings and keep things rolling throughout the year, not just the first few weeks of the month.

Monday, November 09, 2009

A thought....

Be the best Me!

It is quite simple if you think about it. I spend this time thinking I wish I was better at this, that and the other thing, but really I just need to be the best me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14 - where is the time going?

Not that I have the time to sit and write all my thoughts about time and how fast it is melting away, but I just had to stop and take note. It is October 14! How did that happen? I guess I need to write the date on the top of my to do lists as well. Perhaps that will help me chug through the list and keep on top of things that I would like to get done.

One of these days procrastination will not get in my way of accomplishing so much. But perhaps that will be best tackled... tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Caution... Watch out!

I have the pleasure of living on a small hill (mountain, depending on your point of view) so every day to leave I have to drive down the hill. I can shortcut up over the little ridge to head south or just follow the slope of the hill, skirting past downtown if I want to head north. As I usually need to head south, I had to drive up over the ridge. To my surprise there was one of those bright construction-orange Caution signs right at the top of the ridge right on the orange double line. That point of the drive is also where another road intersects so it is a bit of a blind corner. So I dutifully slowed down and took a quick look around to see what I am slowing down for. When I didn't see anything at first glace, I just thought it must be something to do with the curvy downhill drive ahead of me. At least I was warned to slow down. You never know what you will find.

On my way back home, I took the shortcut up over the ridge. To my surprise, the caution sign was still there. Since I didn't see anything on the way up, I was curious why I should slow down. Only as I approached the sign did I finally see what the caution sign was warning me about. Underneath that Caution sign was one skunk, slightly flattened. That was nice of someone to warn me not to hit the skunk that was already road paint. However, it would have been nice if that caution sign wasn't up for another 24hrs. Really? Couldn't someone come out and scoop up the skunk sooner than that?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Monday

Today has not been nearly as productive as I had hoped. Lots of ideas swirling around in my head along with a long list of things to do. The biggest thing that takes up a lot of my time is photos. Right now I am struggling with the downloading of photos from the camera or memory card onto the computer. Since this is such a slow step right now, I do not do it very often which only adds to the tediousness. I really do need to find a better and faster way to download my photos. Then I will have more time for the other photo things in my life - picking my favorites and passing them along.

In addition to photos I also need to push hard on the job hunt front but the details of that will have to wait for later. Time to get back to work.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Look out Tuesday...

Here I come! I have my list and I hope to tackle a few things tomorrow.

Best of luck to me!

Saturday, September 05, 2009


I signed in the other evening to make a new post (finally). However due to the computer/iTouch, I was not able to write any text. Instead I quickly glanced at the last few entries. Once again I am reminded that I really should write things down and refer back to them. It was in April that I wrote about there not being enough time. Yet here I am in September wishing for more time. Some how all this time went by and I am still at the same point. It is time to start moving forward with new goals in mind.

Look out world, I am going to grab the pen and tackle a new goal or two!