Saturday, January 27, 2007

Photo of the Day

The colors and the grain really draw me in to this photograph. Enjoy!

The Plan

Some time last week I decided it was time to get serious about one of my dreams - being a photographer. If this is something I really want to do, then I need to write up a business plan. I figured this would be the best first step in moving toward a photography business and a way for me to prepare as an entrepreneur.

In the next few weeks I hope to come up with a rough outline for my photography business. Plus it gives me a great excuse to surf the web looking for other fabulous photography sites while I gather information. I also need to come up with a company name as the most obvious one is already taken by a couple in Texas.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Fun photo for the day

Sunrise from the balcony a few months ago! Now that the sun is rising before I leave for work, I do hope to get a few more great shots! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Beginnings

Beginning... lots of ideas come to mind with the word beginnings. The past two months I have had a lot of new things happening into my life and I find myself daydreaming about another new beginning.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Motivation and Inspiration

Today was one of those days that I woke up thinking about my future and what few things I would like to accomplish with the year. No, not a new year's resolution, but just thinking proactive about the year and my dreams. My mom always said, "if you are going to dream, dream BIG!"

Of course with today being a big day to celebrate and all, I found my mailbox full of great inspiration in the form of funny birthday cards and great little article clips. I thought this would be a great place to post those motivational pieces as they might help motivate someone else or will serve as a place for me to go back and refresh my memory.

“Growth is exciting; growth is dynamic and alarming. Growth of the soul, growth of the mind.” – Vita Sackville-West

“A lot of people will try to talk you out of pursuing your dream. The world has too many people who are happy to discuss why something might not work, and too few who will cheer you on and say, ‘I’m there for you.’ The more time you spend navel-gazing, the longer you give those negative gravitational forces to keep you in their tether…. If there is something out there that you want to do…don’t focus on the obstacles. Don’t ask for permission. Just dive in.”
- John Wood

“Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.” Yehuda Amichai

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

What a crazy day! I guess I should have known that recovering from some weird stomach bug for the past week, I would be a mad woman trying to get some things done around the house.

I woke up early to head to the story and do the grocery shopping. Since starting the new job, grocery shopping is not my duty (which I really like). However I decided to cook a few meals today so that we can eat this week with my not having to stand at the stove after a long day (and commute) of work. After putting away the groceries I started in on the Tortilla Soup, Curried Peas and Rice and a Frittata for my breakfast for the week. I also grilled up a large chicken breast for a Pasta, Red Pepper and Chicken dinner. I ended up freezing the soup since I figured we would have that later in the week. After doing all of that in the kitchen (for hours) I had to tackle some piles of papers that need to be sorted. Ugh! I also dusted and vacuumed the den/second bedroom. Now I think I shall get in the shower.

I am a bit bummed as I did not take a single photo for the International Shoot All Day competition sponsored by Popular Photography. The idea is to shoot a photo every 5 minutes for the entire day. This exercise should help expand your photography skills as every shoot will not be the perfect light/ perfect location/ perfect setup. I did not even take a shot. Bummer. I guess I will have to go on my own photo safari around the city soon to brush up on my hobby!

Happy Sunday! May this next week be a great week for everyone!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

101 things in 1001 days

I stumbled across this idea recently while surfing a lot of blogs. The idea is great - list 101 things you would like to do in 1001 days. A quick Google search will bring up lots of pages and ideas of things to add to a list like this. People have posted their lists, then blogged about when they actually accomplished the task.

While I have not even started a list, I thought I might use the blog as a place to help me brainstorm ideas. Perhaps #1 on the list should be writing the list.

So, what would be on your list?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Where as the month gone?

Time is just zipping on by and every time I think things might settle down and get into a routine, things get crazy and give no signs of slowing down. However, my body decided it needed to slow down and fight a bug that has been going around at work. While fighting this bug off and on the past couple of days, I decided that I just needed to sit down and relax. The new job will be there when I get back. Plus I have been working crazy hours and will work crazy hours next week, so why worry about it now?

I wanted to give a shout out to a new blog I found. Joe Photo has been blogging for awhile and just opened up his blog to others to check out. He is a very giving and inspiring person (from the little that I have read on his blog).

Go check it out!

I found this quote on his blog today and thought I would post it here. Every now and again I have to step back and look at the bigger picture.

"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections"

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year - 2007!

What a crazy few weeks I have had! I started a new job three weeks ago and have had a crazy ride during the new job. Today before jumping in the shower I realized t hat 2007 will be a big year for me. I believe 2007 will be a tough year for me. I hope to take some time and focus some time on myself; put myself first. That itself will be a tough act to follow as I am such a giving person and rarely put myself and feelings first.

This new job will be a tough part of the year for me too. I have some conflicted feelings about the new job, but I am sure some of the feelings I am having would be related to any job I do. So, I just need to take a deep breath and do the best I can do every day.

Happy New Year to everyone! May 2007 be a wonderful year for each and everyone!